Thursday, December 15, 2011

Runscape help please help me and fast!?

a long time ago i used to play rs but i stopped for a long time but now i am back a bit and you see i have 2 acc one of them is good in like fishing,woodcutting,agility,cooking(espe鈥?in cooking),etc

the other one it great and i mean amazing in fighting like he has high attack,strength,defense,magic,range,etc

but the thing is i want to know if there is any possible way to get the stats from one account to the other

for example:i want my second one to have good cooking but i want to transfer the cooking level from the first acc to the second acc

if there is any way that i can do that please tell me

also if you find some way to get free member ship please tell me (no paying)

ps:i want something that i don't need to pay or give such personal info on myself

k thank you a lot if you answered me|||Well the only method I know of to work is GET A LIFE. Your Welcome for answering you.|||you can't stat transfer, and it's like 6 bucks a month. It's not that bad.

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